Peter M.: My wife got me the toe product to see if it could help with my awful fungus problem I’ve had for decades. It took a long time but I finally see the new nail growth coming in!!!!!! Even the part that has the fungus looks so much better than it did but I hope this will all grow out now. (The picture is his big toe)
BettyFarry: I started using FlexiNail for my finger nails a couple of years ago and thought I would try the toe nail product. I couldn’t be happier. It’s the best! Took a few months to see results but it’s worth the persistence!

Please NOTE: The key to success is patience. You need to grow out your old nails and this can take many months (toe nails grow slower than fingernails). You are NOT magically turning fungus nail into great looking nail. You are using the product to not only condition the nail but also to help stop the fungus from effecting NEW healthy looking nail. As the weeks and months go by your new nail growth without fungus will eventually replace all the old damaged nail. It takes a long time but stick with it and hopefully you will be done with it once and for all and didn’t have to put yourself through oral medication (which also by the way takes a very, very long time).
Just get in the habit of daily 20 seconds applications and then just be patient.